Frequently Asked Questions

Collars Dog Resort

Can’t find the answer to your question here? Give us a call!

Daycare FAQs

I need to drop off my dog before you open, can I do that?
What vaccinations are required for my dog to go to Collars Dog Resort?
How do I access the Cameras?
My dog has not been spayed/neutered, can they still play?
I am looking at the cameras and don't see my dog, why is that?
Do I need a reservation to bring my dog for daycare?
What are the benefits of daycare for my dog?

Boarding FAQs

I need to drop off my dog before you open, can I do that?
Does Collars Dog Resort have food my dog can eat?
What belongings should I bring for my dog?
What vaccinations are required for my dog to go to Collars Dog Resort?
Does my dog get to play during the day?
What if my dog doesn't pass their temperament test? 
How do I access the Cameras?

Grooming FAQs

Why don't I have a specific appointment time?
When is pick-up and drop-off?
Why are your prices estimated and not set in stone?
If my dog is there for daycare or boarding, can I get them groomed as well?
I need to drop off my dog before you open, can I do that?
What vaccinations are required for my dog to go to Collars Dog Resort?

Training FAQs

Is there enough space to promote social distancing and am I required to wear a mask?
What is balanced training?
What if class falls on a holiday?
How many people should come to class with me? Should I bring the entire family?
What class should I start with?
What vaccinations are required for my dog to go to Collars Dog Resort?